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My Domains – Functionality and configuration of trusted domains

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With the release 2.1 of 30 March 2020 the validation of own domains was integrated into REDDCRYPT Business. The reason for this function is that until now employees could register without the company knowing about it.

In addition to this fact this means that employees can still send and receive emails with their REDDCRYPT account even if they are no longer working for the company.

With the implementation of trusted domains this is a thing of the past. From now on the company has 100% control over all accounts.

How to validate your domain(s)

Validating your own domain is done in a few steps. The only requirement is the possibility to make settings for your domain in the DNS: You must be able to create a TXT entry. What you have to enter there you will find as an administrator at

Settings -> My Organization -> My Domains

After you have created the TXT record please click on the button “Add a domain” and enter your domain without www.

If the domain could not be validated, the TXT record is incorrect or you may have made a typing error when entering the domain.

If you have set the TXT record for your domain correctly the domain will appear in the list.

If there are already users with a REDDCRYPT account for your domain they are now displayed in the menu item “Pending”.

Existing REDDCRYPT users

In the list “My Domains -> Pending” all users of your domain are listed who already have a REDDCRYPT account. If you do not have enough free licenses to add all users you will find information above the list. If you do not have this information you have enough free licenses.

Users with a green check mark are users that you can immediately add to your organization. Users marked in red cannot be added to your organization because they are currently members of another organization. Please contact these users if you would like to add them.

Users who register in the future

If employees of yours register with REDDCRYPT in the future, there are two possible cases.

Process if your company has free licenses

If you have free licenses and an employee registers with an e-mail address of your domain this employee will be automatically assigned to your organization. For the user the handling comfort is very high because he does not notice anything and can immediately start to encrypt and decrypt their emails.

At the same time the automatism makes sure that the full control over the email account is in the hands of the company.

Process if your company does not have free licenses

If a user registers and your company currently does not have free licenses the user registration will be completed but set to pending. So the user cannot log in yet and will be informed about this.

The administrators of the organisation will receive an email which user has registered and that further licences are required if the user is to use reddcrypt.


Settings -> My Organization -> Members -> Pending

you will find a list of all users who have registered and cannot use REDDCRYPT yet due to a missing licence. Here you have three options how to deal with the registration.

Assign a license

After you have an additional license at

Settings -> License -> overview

you can assign them to a user here.

Delete user

If you do not want the user to use REDDCRYPT you can delete the account using this function.

Dont add user

With this function the user is not assigned to the own organisation and the account is converted into a free REDDCRYPT account. This allows the user to use REDDCRYPT via the free Web App. In addition the user can be assigned to another organisation.