Information about the integration in Microsoft Outlook

The file or assembly “Microsoft.Office…” or a dependency couldn’t be found. The system can’t find the specified file.


The REDDCRYPT addin crashes upon start. Various exception errors occur.
These may include:

  • The system was unable to find the specified file
  • Access denied
  • System.IO.FileLoadException
  • The file or assembly “Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook, Version…” or a dependency of it could not be found. The system was unable to find the specified […]
2020-04-02T12:54:17+02:0003. February 2020|

Error: Checksum mismatch at 0 of 20

This issue is fixed with Outlook Plugin Version 1.9.7265.10954 (released on 11/22/2019). You can download the current version here.

Question: This error might occur in Outlook when trying to send an encrypted mail to a person that is not yet using REDDCRYPT.

Solution: The following steps […]

2019-11-22T14:27:13+01:0016. September 2019|
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